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Le modèle de plateforme, comme vecteur de croissance exponentielle des entreprises ?

Silicon |
Emmanuel Methivier suggests how organizations can adopt a platform model for growth

Best API Management tools 2021

Medium |
Axway is one the top API management tools of 2021, discover case studies from various industries

How a self-service approach can boost healthcare customer satisfaction

Healthcare Dive |
To satisfy customers and remain competitive, healthcare organizations must be able to innovate on a dime

Software development: Forrester's five predictions for 2022

Le Mag IT |
According to Forrester, 2022 will be the year of event-driven architectures and cross-platform development

L’innovation dans l’écosystème financier passera par l’Open Finance

Finyear |
Emmanuel Methivier demonstrates why APIs are at the heart of digital transformation

Five Things to Remember When Upgrading Your Legacy Solution

Info Q |
Brian Pagano suggests top questions executives should prioritize first

Creating Brilliant Digital Experiences

Industry Era Leaders |
Ruby Raley, VP Sales, Healthcare and Life Sciences at Axway is honored as one of "10 Most Successful Women Leaders of…

Eyal Sivan: ‘Om relevant te blijven moeten banken meegaan in Open Banking'

Banken |
Why the Axway Catalyst believes banks must adopt Open Banking to remain relevant

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