"Over the last 15 years, invoicing has become infinitely more complex. Thanks to our partnership with Axway, we don’t need to worry about compliance risks. Axway eInvoicing handles the complexity for us."

Single point 

of management 


with global standards

Seamless integration

of e-invoicing

Case study details

Founded in 1969 and headquartered in Belgium, TVH delivers products and services to keep industrial equipment such as forklifts, industrial vehicles, construction, and agricultural machinery running smoothly. A truly global business, TVH operates from 81 locations all over the world. With more than 88,000 active customers across 182 countries, the company processes around 20,000 customer orders every day.

As governments around the world prepared to implement mandates for continuous transaction controls, TVH looked for a way to meet the new requirements across its global business without driving up operational costs and complexity.

A single point of management for e-invoicing regulations globally
•    Compliance with global standards and country-specific e-invoicing requirements
•    Maximum cost-efficiency in managing operational and invoicing processes
•    Seamless integration of e-invoicing with ERP, e-commerce, financial, and other applications

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