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Information Protection Strategy for Security Service Providers

City Security Magazine |
A recent Axway survey revealed that 85 per cent of respondents had serious concerns over how their data is stored and…

Axway: Desentrañando el lenguaje del Cloud

WiderPool |
Antonio Martínez Martínez, Axway's Iberia Sales Director, unravels the language of the Cloud via the element that…

Americans more inclined to voluntarily give away personal information

Panda Security |
An Axway global consumer survey shows Americans are very much willing to share personal data with organizations in…

Estudo mostra que APIs podem impulsionar receita corporativa

IPNews |
2022 Axway API Adoption Survey shows APIs can drive corporate revenue

In The New World Of API Ecosystems, You Can Learn From Government Cybersecurity Strategy

Forbes |
CTIO Vince Padua shows why U.S. federal government cybersecurity strategy is innovative and as useful for enterprises…

Pour créer de la valeur, les API doivent être correctement conçues

IT Social |
An Axway study shows APIs can be a major revenue generator for companies -- but only if they drive consumption of their…

79% dos brasileiros não fariam compras em sites pouco seguros por preocupação com dados pessoais

Security Report |
According to research released by Axway, lack of security regarding private data would cause 78.6% of consumers not to…

E-commerce: por preocupação com dados pessoais, 79% dos brasileiros não fariam compras em sites pouco seguros

segs |
Axway study shows 79% of Brazilians would not shop at insecure sites out of concern over personal data.

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