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Em evento gratuito, Axway debate os desafios da integração em logística

Jornal Dia Dia |
How logistics automation provides more efficiency, avoiding delays and waste

Em evento gratuito, Axway debate os desafios da integração em logística

Jornal Dia Dia |
Axway event debates the challenges of integration in logistics

La gestion des API, un défi pour les décideurs

Axway study shows challenges faced by companies building APIs, revealing a number of obstacles.

Axway est nommé Leader dans le Magic Quadrant™ 2021 de Gartner® dédié à la gestion complète du cycle de vie des API.

Silicon |
Axway is recognized for its completeness of vision and ability to execute

Avec Amplify API Management, Axway pilote API et intégrations en mode hybride

Le Monde Informatique |
Yves Lajouanie shares how Axway helps customers create new customer experiences in a secure manner

The Transformation of the API Gateway into a Critical Cybersecurity Tool

Tech HQ |
Amplify provides a single source of information on existing API assets, wherever they may be in a distributed…

Five Things Business Leaders Can Do To Create A Fantastic Work Culture

Authority Magazine |
Axway’s Dominique Fougerat shares her thoughts on the importance of employee engagement and supporting people in their…

Axway mise sur les API

Programmez ! |
How Axway is betting on API management

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