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Axway participa da 32ª edição da Febraban Tech

Portal Radar |
Axway shares about the innovative journey of opening data from Open Finance to Open Everything in São Paulo.

Axway-Studie: 74 Prozent der Patienten begrüßen Datenaustausch zwischen Gesundheitseinrichtungen

Krankenhaus-IT |
Axway study: 74 percent of patients welcome data sharing between healthcare providers.

Boosting productivity in the digital age

Business Reporter |
 Axway’s Joel Reid discusses how APIs drive efficiency through automation.

Top 100 des éditeurs de logiciels français

Blog du modérateur |
Axway in the Truffle 100 ranking of the software publishing industry in France.

API als Grundlagen strategischer Bankservices bei der Commerzbank

Geldinstitute |
Commerzbank's project with Axway offers an example of the comprehensive, in-depth and ongoing move of strategic…

Data Security and Data Transparency

Everyday MBA Podcast |
Vince Padua discusses data security and data transparency, and what organizations can do to keep up. 

Banking on APIs

Digitalisation World |
For Commerzbank AG, moving away from the traditional IT approach to an API-powered architecture was crucial to its…

Top List of In-Demand API Developer Skills

Dice |
API development and maintenance demands certain qualities, such as curiosity and an eagerness to always learn. 

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