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Les consommateurs toujours méfiants face au concept d'open banking

Le Monde Informatique |
According to an Axway study, the concept of open banking is still distrusted by French consumers, who nevertheless…

Les échanges de données bancaires séduisent mais font peur

An Axway study shows the concept of open banking is still distrusted by French consumers, who nevertheless expect…

Axway dá início à implantação de solução de Open Insurance no Brasil

segs |
After the successful implementation of its Open Banking platform in financial institutions in Brazil, Axway is working…

Priorité aux API : une nécessité d’ouverture et Business

IT for Business |
Three quarters of CIOs will prioritize API initiatives according to a new Axway study, but the ROI will depend on how…

Axway Study Shows APIs Can Be a Major Revenue Driver for Organizations

Aithority |
To seize opportunities and reach business goals, enterprises must pivot to API consumption.

Axway Amplify – Unified Catalog bringing producers and consumers together in one place

Article Flit |
A look at how Axway Amplify can assist you in managing your diverse API services and simplify API production and…

Etude : « 2022 Axway API Adoption Survey » : les API, importants générateurs de revenus ?

Programmez |
2022 Axway API Adoption Survey shows APIs are important revenue drivers.

Canada’s CIO Strategy Council calls for input into proposed Open Finance standard

Open Banking Expo |
Canadian national forum publishes a proposed draft standard for Open Finance and is inviting input from stakeholders…

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