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Industry Experts Look Ahead to 2022

Global Banking & Finance Review |
Eyal Sivan, Head of Open Banking at Axway, says open banking focus will shift from standards to value generation.

10 reasons to combine digital twins and synthetic data

VentureBeat |
Axway CTIO Vince Padua explains how digital twins can help improve customer experience.

Will Patients be Giving a Thumbs Up on their Experiences in 2022?

Health IT Answers |
Axway VP of Healthcare Ruby Raley says self-service and process automation are starting to peak now but will get…

Consumers' superior trust in banks gives them a pivotal role in US open banking engagement

Business Insider |
Most US consumers have adopted daily banking tools that depend on open banking.

The Great Resignation: What’s on the horizon for businesses in 2022?

Fe News |
Axway CTIO Vince Padua chimes in on how priorities may shift for IT leaders in the new year.

Innovation et Open Finance

Finyear |
Axway Catalyst Emmanuel Methivier answers Finyear’s Q&A on innovation and open finance.

Can Enterprises Really Achieve Speed And Security? APIs And Zero Trust Mark A Hopeful Future

Forbes |
Axway CTIO Vince Padua says Zero Trust architectures will help meet complex enterprise security requirements to scale…

Drummond Certifies Latest AS2 MFT Products in Fourth Quarter 2021 |
Axway successfully participates in Drummond's second AS2 interoperability test event of 2021.

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