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Open Banking implementation: How to chart the right course

Cloudentity |
Axway Open Banking is highlighted as an Open Banking solution that includes security – one of the more mature offerings…

Q&A: GFT Canada’s Mauricio Deutsch on why security and convenience are key to Open Banking’s success

Open Banking Expo |
Partnerships with Axway and FDX are a key success factor in the company's journey.

The Security Challenges of API Sprawl

Security Boulevard |
API sprawl can prevent adoption of new security approaches across the board and leave more vulnerable security…

Insight: Bringing Open Banking to North America in 2023

Open Banking Expo |
Eyal Sivan discusses how the announcement of a US Open Banking rule represents a significant shift in the financial…

Axway 2023 Predictions: In 2023, digital transformation is... transforming

VMblog |
Brian Otten discusses an encouraging shift in thinking about technology that he hopes will continue to gain steam in…

Tech in 2023: Innovation, cybersecurity and sustainability

Data Centre Review Magazine |
2023 will witness widespread growth in partner and public APIs in addition to internal ones, according to William…

Survey Sheds Light On Cloud, API Expertise Skills Gap |
86% of respondents in the Axway 2022 Open Everything Survey feared an expertise gap in the coming years.

3 Cloud Computing Trends That Will Improve Performance, Cost in 2023

IT Pro Today |
Cloud optimization benefits all enterprises that are faced with budget constraints and so are trying to do more with…

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