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The future of finance: Predictions for 2023

Global Banking & Finance Review |
Eyal Sivan anticipates Europe will play catchup to the rest of the world where data sharing is concerned in 2023.

Enterprises cite data security, API ‘sprawl’ and talent gap as main API strategy concerns

Open Banking Expo |
Findings from the Axway 2022 Open Everything Strategy Survey Report: increased API budgets, data security concerns, and…

La prolifération des API inquiète les responsables informatiques

IT Social |
The Axway 2022 Open Everything Strategy Survey shows API management is still complex. 

How To Deliver Value Through Your API Strategy In 2023 And Beyond

Forbes |
An API gateway running a handful of public APIs is no longer enough to compete at digital, reflected in Axway…

Is API developer experience overrated?

SD Times |
DX is important, but Catalyst Erik Wilde argues it is equally important to go beyond just looking at an API and the…

Guiding Your Business Through the Shifting Digital Terrain of Tomorrow

Valiant CEO |
Axway CTIO Vince Padua shares advice for remaining agile in a changing market.

It’s Almost 2023 – Why Are Patient Experiences Still So Terrible?

MedCity News |
Ruby Raley argues there’s a larger category of APIs that will help us provide a simpler, more integrated process:…

The fintech revolution: What will shape the industry in 2023

Director of Finance |
Eyal Sivan predicts Europe’s slow progress in open banking will change in the coming year.

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